The Plan

It was time to go back to school and I was extremely excited. I get to meet my friends again, another semester to hangout and relax and chill... Oh right, I'm not doing that this semester😅😥
I already called some of my friends and told them that I'd be in school this week, I wasn't surprised when most of them told me that they were already in school😂. It's a new session, and with new session come fresher and in these bunch of new students, desperate hot girls that are ready to party and lose themselves because hey, it's University.
Some of my friends relocated to a flat because they wanted the full experience, some of my friends pimped up their rooms to make sure it was a Babe magnet. I on the other hand who had things figured out recently started chatting with three to four different girls and feelings were developing... This is why I hate staying at home for so long! 😭😤
Yep, I said three to four girls because, I'm sure that out of the four of them, three must actually like me because why else will they show so much interest in me. As for the other one, it's so hard to tell. One moment we're cool the next she thinks I'm the most annoying Guy in the planet, either ways I guess I'm drawn to crazy😅
So I told mum I'll be leaving soon for school and I could see it in her face that she was going to miss me. Lol why won't she? I'm the cutest of all her children and I happen to be the last born😇. Not only that, for the first time in a long time, I was going to school while my brother and sister were not going to be with me. My sister was already working while my Brother recently graduated. I could see it in her face that she was scared that I wasn't going to be able to take care of myself. I had to ease her mind and discussed with my brother to come with me to school so that she won't be so worried. It all worked out.
Now chatting with these girls got tiresome, I'm not a playboy nor am I a fuckboy. It was time I settled for one if I didn't want to have issues with relationships in school, so I planned my first week in school. I was gonna visit these girls one on one and see if I had any sort of connection with them. I guess that's the right thing to do, we may chat all the time but that doesn't mean we're compatible. One mistake I think I made though was tell each of these girls how much I really liked them. Apparently I used the word "Love" to express my feelings to them. I wasn't ready to break any girls heart this semester. I don't want to be tagged as a playboy or some shit, I'm actually looking for something that'd work. Something that'd make me happy.
So the plan was set, I was ready to sit down with these girls and have a good time with them all, even if it means spending my money😥.

I hit up the first one who I was already certain was in school. Turns out she came the same day I did, I would have said "fate" but it was pretty obvious she was in school because I told her I was coming. Besides she made up a believable excuse that she must have told her parents that even I believed.
We went straight to the hanging out part and I go studying her behavior. She sounded nothing like I had imagined, all that kept going through my mind was that we weren't a match. I decided to play it cool not to sound like I was experimenting on her.
I asked her some few questions that night after dinner, I asked why she was so interested in me yet doesn't show it. It was no surprise that I didn't get a straight reply, she kept dodging the question and talking about my intentions. She felt that I only wanted to have sex with her and then leave her, which wasn't my plan, I was willing to make her my girl if only I could understand her.
The next day, she started opening up to me, and decided to tell me that she was moving. At first I felt down because I wouldn't be able to see again and then after a while I remained calm. Everything was going to be fine eventually I just had to give it time, if she's the one I truly feel something for, we were gonna have the best time of our lives.
We spent the rest of the day and the night hanging out and cuddling which she didn't like, I mean, who hates to cuddle?😒

I got back to my hostel and called the second one, this was something I rarely do, she was surprised when I called her. I talked to her about wanting to see her, at first, she sounded really rude and told me she wasn't going to come because she's busy. One thing I understand about this girl is that I know when she's angry, I'd be angry too if I found out that the Guy I care about doesn't call me, and when he does, its like a booty call.
I asked her if she could create time for us to meet and spend some time together. At first she was really really not into what I said. She told me she's about to start exam and immediately she's done, she was going home and we were not going to see, ever.
I felt really bad because I actually brought this upon myself. So I told her that what every Guy would say when He's wrong.
I told her that "I understand that you're angry with me, and its completely my fault. Its OK if you don't want to come, I respect you decision"
Let's hope she comes🙏, because her answer changed from a "No" to a "Maybe" when I told her that I'm already in Benin😅
